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Adoption Application

Please fill out the application completely to prevent any delay in processing.

Name of WAGS dog that you are applying for:


Email Address

Phone number*

Street Address*

City, State, Zip*

Why do you want to rescue a dog?*

Is the dog for you or a gift for someone else?*

Select an option

What is your profession? What is your spouses profession?

How many hours per day do you work?*

How many days per week do you work?*

List all people living in the household and their ages*

List all pets in the household. (Include breed, age, sex, and if altered)*

If you do not have a dog now, have you ever owned a dog for which you were the primary caregiver?*

Select an option

If yes, what happened to the dog?

Will your rescue dog come into contact with any children under 10 years old?*

Select an option

If yes, how often? What are the ages of the children?

Do you own or rent your home?*

Select an option

How long at your current residence?*

Please provide your landlord's name and telephone number

Do you have a fenced yard*

Select an option

If yes, what type?

Who will care for, exercise, and train the Rescue dog?*

How many hours per day will you exercise your Rescue dog?*

Are you aware that a new dog will require time, training, and adjustments?*

Select an option

How do you plan to train your rescue dog?*

Are you prepared to hire a trainer of your Rescue dog requires it?*

Select an option

Where will your Rescue dog be kept during the day?*

How many hours per day will your dog(s) be alone (without humans) on a regular basis?*

Will the dog be allowed in the house?*

Select an option

If you move, what will you do with your dog?*

Tell us why you think you would be a good adopter for our Rescue dog(s)*

Please provide the name, number, and address of your current Veterinarian:*

Please provide the name and number of your previous Veterinarian

Reference #1 (Name, Number, and Relationship required)*

Reference #2 (Name, Number, and Relationship required)*

Are you aware that routine costs for maintaining a dog can be as much as $500 per year?*

Select an option

If filling out this application electronically, your name below consitutes written consent:*

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