Happy Tails
Happy Tails

Wags Rescue Spud Muffin is adopted! Well , I think I’m just gonna cry! 10 days ago he was waiting at a rural shelter for his owner. They never came! Thankfully, Wags pulled this gem of a pittie ! Spud came in with a lame leg with great muscle atrophy . Xrays revealed his femur had been broken early in life. The femur head has dissipated into the body. Nothing to work with for surgery so the decision was to leave the leg since he had no pain. His leg was 2 inches shorter so wasn’t dragging his foot. So, being a pittie with an injury, we figured he’d be a permanent resident here. His loving, smiling, affectionate personality won us all over. Knowing he was “ mister Perfection” other than a leg issue, I knew he deserved perfection! Well, this amazing couple, retired professors , only wanted a pittie after losing theirs a month ago. I explained his medical issues and she simply said “ that doesn’t matter to us as I’ve got a bad leg too” They met, fell in love and I feel God’s hands were right here with us the whole time for this magnificent boy that most might overlook. I still have a smile on my face , just like Spud Muffin does in this picture!!! Love this boy!! Moral of the story.... don’t ever give up on the ones who need us the most!!

Wags Rescue Winston is adopted!! Wags was asked to help this shelter pooch as he had some medical needs involving great dentistry. Today, he left here a happy , healthy, loved boy. Joan was super impressed with his sweet disposition and manners! Happy trails sweet Winston!

Wags Rescue Sunshine is adopted! It’s hard to let go when a doggie has been here 12 weeks during her pregnancy and then nursing duties. Her new life will quickly make her forget us, being a stray, and all the weeks before today! Ponte Vedra Beach just got a new day of Sunshine!

Rocket Man
Rocket Man
Wags Rescue Rocket Man is adopted! Several weeks ago I walked into the shelter and pulled this sweetie. Half his hair missing, full of hookworms, skin infections and scared out of his mind curled in a corner. Today, I handed off a confident, swimming, healthy boy. He took a few minutes to warm up to Mark and his son but then was ready to ride! Marks loving attention to Rocket will keep him getting more and more social. After all that was in his past, living in the woods and terrified of humans, he’s found that human who is perfect for him!!! Love this silly boy!

Wags Rescue Cleatus is adopted! Dee lost her best friend , constant companion recently that was the spitting image of Cleatus. She felt blessed to be chosen as his new mom. We felt blessed that she chose Cleatus! Win win!!! Love this adoption for Cleatus!

Wags Rescue Apollo is adopted! Lisa, Andrew and Ian are in love!! They’ve got the dog of their dreams with the perfect waterfront property to enjoy this active boy. Apollo showed off his athletic skills of ball chasing and tug a war! Perfect , happy match for this beautiful boy!

Wags Rescue Memphis is adopted and California bound! The Miner couple just lost their favorite ever dog, a foxhound! They knew that’s what they wanted again. Mr Miner flew into Savannah, rented a car and off they go! We discussed flying Memphis but knew it would traumatize him and did not want to chance it. Unbelievable at the efforts some humans make to acquire a dog , but yet others discard them like trash , especially the hounds. Memphis was last man standing at the shelter with a 4 pm deadline to get out. At 3:30 that day we escorted 2 out of there. Both are now adopted and have special families to call their own! They matter to us!! Not bad for a good ole South Georgia hound dog!

Wags Rescue Banks is adopted. ! Well, actually he’s been adopted for 2 weeks but we had to wait on them to fly in from Colorado ! Banks will have a dual residence in St Petersburg , Florida and Colorado . The Stoddards has tears when they finally got their hands in their boy!!

Wags Rescue Betty Beagle is adopted! In the last few weeks Wags has taken in so many neglect cases! Betty Lost her leg after having lived over a year with crushed bones in her leg. Suffering!!! Well, Betty was ignored by her previous owners but found a home where she’s the queen! Betty will go with the MCCulleys to the VA hospitals as a therapy dog. How fitting that our tripod baby gets to give back to society who needs her !

Wags Rescue Dottie is adopted !! Lisa drove up from Jacksonville today to look at Maisley . Well, Dottie chose this lady instead! Lisa works from home and wanted her own doggie to keep her company. She got a great one!!

Wags Rescue Casey is adopted. ! This little Shepherd pup came to us with her brother Bryson needing saved from those “ free fb adoptions”. Thankfully we got 2 of the six who needed medical attn. Casey left with the Peckachek family knowing she would be the center of attn for years to come !!

Poppie Girl
Poppie Girl
Wags Rescue Poppie is adopted. . The McCrary family applied for a dog about a month ago who had already been adopted. I did not have a dog that would fit with 4 young children until Poppie came along. She was surrendered to us and had been raised with 4 kids! How perfect is this. Best doggie that is now showered with love by the entire family! Hound dogs are simply the best!!

Wags Rescue Bebe is adopted. !! This sweet Doxie came to us when her family was moving and could not have a dog. Bebe now has another Doxie to play with and wonderful parents on Estill,SC

Wags Rescue Hutch is adopted. !! Diana knew this boy was hers when she laid eyes on him. She is an experienced poodle owner and understands their needs. Hutch is one of the happiest boys alive!!! Thank you Diana for rescuing and sending your friends to Wags for Ember!!

Wags Rescue Maddie is adopted! Lacey lost her precious 15 yr old dog recently and knew her heart needed another baby to love! Maddie hit the jackpot with this lovely couple who will cherish her !!!

Wags Rescue Major is adopted. !! The Gordon’s lost their hound mix recently and knew that was the breed of choice for them. Major is one of the pups who had to be trapped a few mos ago after his mom was killed on the road. He makes their heart smile again!

Wags Rescue Princess is adopted. Princess lost her human mom this week so we are thrilled that she landed right in the perfect lap of Angela. Angela lost her husband June 1 ,so also needed a companion! Senior doggie for a beautiful young senior lady !

WAGS RESCUE MAGGIE IS ADOPTED... you all may remember this little beagle coming in to our rescue about to deliver. She fooled us and held on for 10 long days when she delivered her 7 healthy pups. I could not be happier for one of my dogs to end up with Rodney of Gainsville , Fl. She has joined 2 Bassett hounds and has taken care of that Florida HAT ...lol.. SHe knows she is a Georgia girl but has left the rural town that was no good to her, and now will live like a queen in Florida...We are so thankful for those who love our rescue and take the best care of our babies... Rodney is one of those!!! Maggie did well and her babies all have loving homes as well.

WAGS RESCUE TINKERBELL IS ADOPTED.. This tiny 7 lb girl needed just the perfect home. Rodney is 'DAD OF THE YEAR" according to his 14 yr old daughter who has waited on just the right pup. He drove over from Havana, Fl and he said the smiles on his daughter's face was "priceless" Great family for such a sweet , tiny girl...

WAGS RESCUE JAZZY IS ADOPTED.. The Simmons , of St Augustine, adopted Zoe from me as a pup 2 1/2 yrs ago. They knew she needed a buddy so Jazzy is it. Perfect match for the perfect adopters. We love when our adopters come back to our rescue when they are ready to add to the family. ZOe is spoiled rotten and I am sure Jazzy will be as well. — with Jim-Terrie Simmons.

WAGS RESCUE IZZY IS ADOPTED... well, letting go of our little kisser here was difficult but we all know what is best for our fosters. Izzy slept snuggled next to me each night since arriving and will sleep right next to the Bolens as well. BOTH fell in love with her , and she with them. I will not worry one moment about the kind of attn and care she will get now and can be happy for her. Izzy and the Bolens were totally meant for one another.

WAGS Rescue would like to congratulate Brad on adopting his new baby boy, Barnie!! This was an adoption that was meant to be!! Barnie just adores his new daddy!!!! Barney was clinging to life with no escape from the shelter except last minute by WAGS Rescue. We can only save these dogs when we have fosters who step up to foster. THANKS to long time fosters, Kim Harmon and Pam Paolantonio, Barney has a new lease on life... They saw him on death row and knew they had to step in to save him, and the rest is a beautiful beginning...

WAGS RESCUE BRODY IS ADOPTED... This retired couple lost their Great Dane a month ago and the Dane in the home went into some depression. The Whaleys knew he needed another playmate and they found perfection., Identical actually. lol... Brody has realized what an exceptional family he has now and we know he will get everything his heart desires. They even have him scheduled for doggie training so he can be so mannerly like their other Dane. Brody deserves this kind of home and we are thrilled for our boy!!! Their connection was immediate and you can see the joy their boy has now at having another brother to love.

WAGS RESCUE DAISHA IS ADOPTED... The Paul family drove down from Columbia Sc to fall in love. THAT they did. .. Daisha reminded them of a previous dog so they knew she was exactly what they were looking for. He is retired so she will follow his every foot step during the day but when night time comes she has her own human girl to curl up with. THIS dog hit the jackpot all the way around...

WAGS RESCUE CAROLINE IS ADOPTED... AGAIN... lol.. She was adopted right before Christmas to a retired couple. THEY found this very active girl to need more exercise than they could do. lol.. They knew she deserved better and we appreciate them looking out for her best interest and allowing her to come back and find the home where her activity level meets that of the new family. The Gardners of St Augustine thinks she is perfection. We agree.... Lots of beach runs, and a great family life..

WAGS RESCUE OLIVER IS ADOPTED... This sweetie came to us with almost no hair. He sat and waited for mos as he healed. Today, he met the couple of his dreams. The Jones fell in love with his gentle nature and loving attitude. He will now live on the beach with daily walks and all the love one boy can stand... LOVE IT.

WAGS RESCUE BENJAMIN IS ADOPTED.. This boy came to us with literally 15 minutes to live in the local shelter. He loved life here but what he needed was a family who saw all the great qualities he has and loved him. He now has 2 girls and mom /dad who cherish his being... Thankfully, because of rescue , he has that chance at life... Thank you Howell family of Green Cove Springs, Fl for loving our sweet boy...

WAGS RESCUE SALLIE IS ADOPTED... SALLIE never made it to the website as one of Wags friends told her neighbors about us. Vicki Greene is always spreading the word and this is what happened.. Sallie came to us from a family in a crisis themselves and needed a safe spot for their beloved 9 month girl. We are proud to have the Boltz family adopt our girl, and proud to be able to help another family in need..

Misty (Akira)
Misty (Akira)
WAGS RESCUE MISTY/AKIRA IS ADOPTED.. Yes, there is a family photo but this one stole my heart.. The Beauchamp family of St Marys have adopted a lil love from us a few years ago and it was time to add to the family. This little guy only had eyes for AKira, he named her. Well, Akira follows his every move and they are a bonded pair. I could not have found a more lovely family to have this sweet girl.

Wags Rescue Rhett is adopted!!! This is certainly the way to close out adoptions for 2018!!! Rhett left yesterday for his forever home. It's short of a miracle! Rhett came to us July 4, 2017!!!! He and 2 others were feral when we saved 28 from a hoarding case. Thanks to lots of love and patience by Susan Kilby Lightfoot and Ed, he left her knowing a friendly touch, a sweet kiss, and all the things a dog deserves! Susan was so excited she forgot the adoption picture. Most would have given up on Rhett, but not Susan ! This is truly a heart of Rescue!! Thank you Susan and Ed for your devotion to Rhett and also your generous year end donation to support the work we do!